Why and How Modern Life Is Destroying Your Posture (And 3 Easy Ways To Fix It!)
By Phoebe Norman
Lifestyle & Tech l Sep 10th, 2021 l 9:17 am EDT

Does your neck look like this?
Modern life is destroying our health, mainly through our posture.
Especially after the pandemic, the “new normal” now is to spend a large part of our day hunched over a desk, TV, or smartphone.
And this hunched forward neck is a widespread condition in people all over the world nowadays.
But this stresses and harms the muscles in your neck and upper back, and compresses the discs in your spine - which leads to a stiff and sore neck.
Sitting hunched over your desk or phone for long periods of time can lead to…
- Chronic neck pain
- Tension headaches
…and an unsightly hump in your neck.
This can have adverse effects not only on your posture but on other parts of your system, like your digestion… and even the shape of your FACE!
Yes. That’s true.
Your neck affects EVERYTHING.
So if you have poor posture or even a small hump in your neck, it’s really important to fix this issue before it becomes an inseparable part of your life
What We Know About The Neck
Your neck posture matters way more than you think.
First of all, our neck is important because it is the base of our skull. It connects our body to our head, literally carrying one of our most important organs…
Our brains.
Because of this, your neck posture affects how your brain processes all kinds of information and signals directly influencing how you feel.
To further elaborate on this point, a study by Amy Cuddy shows that our body language - our posture - affects not only our emotions but our hormone levels.
She found out that a hunched posture leads to negative and depressive emotional states, while an erect and confident posture leads to positive and confident feelings and emotions.
She concluded that our posture and body language shapes the way we are!
In other words, how you stand and carry yourself directly dictates your thoughts, feelings and, in turn, your reality!

Look at these 2 pictures and tell me what you think and feel when looking at these images
The person on the left seems happy and confident and the person on the right seems a little more depressed and sad, right?
This is the same impression you pass on to other people if you walk around with a “slouchy” posture.
If you have a “neck hump posture”, you’re not only experiencing “low/bad” feelings inside yourself, but you’re also making other people notice those same feelings when they look at you!
In other words, our body language shapes who we are.
And if you walk around with bad posture, with your neck protruded forward, do you ever wonder…
How this is impacting other areas of your life?
The first step to making a change is to be aware of the problem.
Another important point that you must be aware of is that…
Our neck was designed to look forward and stand erect - aligned with our spine.
Our neck was not designed to be looking down and protruded forward (misaligned with the spine) for long periods of time.
When the neck and spine are misaligned, it causes pressure on the nerves and stresses the muscles and ligaments… leading to stress and inflammation.
Research shows that for every inch your head protrudes forward, 30 kg of pressure is added to your neck.
Over time this makes the muscles compensate, creating imbalances that will lead to…
… and an ugly neck hump!
So, the root cause of this hump in the neck is generally poor posture.
And the good news is that the real solution to this problem is simple:
To perform the correct stretches and exercises for your neck.
But in a world of infinite stretches, exercises and routines, which ones will actually heal your neck?
We called Dr. Story to talk about the best tips to treat and reverse neck hump - based on his 20+ years working with people over his professional career as a chiropractor.
Keep reading to find out what they are…

Dr. Story - Doctor of Chiropractic with the Neck Cloud
3 Easy Ways To Completely Reverse Neck Hump
1) Cervical Retractions
The first - and simplest - exercise to counteract “neck hump posture” is called Cervical Retractions.
This exercise is good to strengthen your deep neck flexor muscles - and it’s also good for stretching and relaxing the muscles at the back of your neck.
This helps to improve slouched posture, helping to bring the head and upper back to their natural positions.
Here’s how you do it:

- Sit or stand looking forward with good posture.
- Tuck your chin to create a double chin.
- Hold this position for 3-5 seconds and return to the start position.
Perform 1 set of 10 repetitions 3-5 times per day.
Alternatively, this exercise may be performed standing with your back against a wall. Your buttocks and shoulder blades should be in contact with the wall.
Tuck your chin to make a “double chin” until the base of your skull contacts the wall, relax and repeat as directed.
2) Levator Stretch
The second stretch is the Levator Stretch.
This is a particularly good exercise because the muscles involved in this stretch are shortened by bad posture and being hunched over - which increases stiffness and tension in this area.
So it becomes really important to stretch and lengthen these muscles.
Here’s how to perform it:

- While sitting, grasp the seat of your chair with your left hand
- Rotate your head toward right and look downward toward the floor
- Place your right hand over the top of your head and gently pull down and diagonally in the direction you are looking
- Against the resistance of your hand, contract your neck in an attempt to push your head backward/diagonally from the direction you are looking for seven seconds
- Relax and gently pull your head further toward the floor to increase the stretch
- Lock into this new position, and make sure that you continue to keep your head rotated in the direction that you are pulling
Perform three contract/relax cycles on each side twice per day.
3) Cervical Traction
The third stretch is an evidence-based technique called Cervical Traction…
And what is “cervical traction”? It’s a fancy way of saying “stretches the neck at the angle of 26 degrees”
Physicians discovered that this specific angle puts your neck in a perfect position that…
- Decompresses the discs in your neck and spine
- Relaxes and lengthens tight muscles in your neck
- Speeds up the healing of inflamed tendons and ligaments
- Restore your neck’s natural curvature
But it has to be performed at the exact and perfect angle of 26 degrees, otherwise the results won’t be as effective.

You can get this at most chiropractic offices…
The issue is that can cost several hundreds of dollars a month, and thousands over the course of the year…
But Here Comes The Good News:
Luckily, after seeing thousands of patients in his clinic complaining about neck hump and neck pain, a top chiropractor developed a product called Neck Cloud™.
He partnered with a US-based company - called Kenko Back - to design and develop a unique product that perfectly mimics the cervical traction technique we just talked about…
And now you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on chiropractor bills to have a cervical traction stretch and fix the hump in your neck.
With the Neck Cloud™ you can do it in the comfort of your home - and all it takes is 10 minutes a day for relief!
Made with soft foam and acupressure nodes, the Neck Cloud™ perfectly stretches your neck at 26 degrees - in a safe and easy way.
You just have to lie down on the device, breathe and relax for 10 minutes - and let the product do its magic.
Using the product consistently for at least 2 weeks has been shown to…
- Eliminate neck hump
- Improve your posture
- Relieve chronic neck pain
… and you can use it anywhere.
There are 100,000+ satisfied customers worldwide and the company stands behind its product so much that they offer results or full refund 60-day guarantee.
The only negative thing is due to high demand, they consistently sell out and have a hard time staying in stock. So if you go to their site and see it available, I highly recommend that you get yours today.
You can check their site here
What You Can Expect From The Neck Cloud

Use The Neck Cloud™ for just 5 minutes a day to gain relief from neck pain and Dowager’s Hump. You can also gain the following benefits.

Relief from stiffness and muscle tension caused by Dowager’s Hump.

Restore natural curvature of the spine and neck.

Fix “neck” hump.

Regain full motion around the neck area.

Regain quality time with friends and colleagues.

Work and enjoy life without neck pain.
Here’s what people like about The Neck Cloud

- It’s extremely comfortable and relaxing.
- The Neck Cloud™ is durable and designed to last for years.
- It feels like a massage … without a visit to a masseuse.
- Relief comes from just 5-10 minutes a day.
- It helps with problems like headaches and Dowager’s Hump.
- No need for expensive chiropractor visits and/or pain killers.
- Simple set-up means no pulleys or “weird” devices.
- Takes away stress and helps with better sleep.
- Reclaim energy, confidence, better posture, and a better overall mood.
- Feel comfortable at work and at home.
- Avoid other treatments including surgery.
Real People and Real Results …
Tens of thousands of people have gained relief from neck pain thanks to The Neck Cloud™">Neck Cloud™. Let’s hear from some of them.

" I could not recommend this product more highly. I have tried other products over the years, chiropractors, osteopaths, pilates, acupuncture, but this has more effectively done the job than any of them.
- Apple M.

"I must admit, I thought this was a complete scam but fell for the advertising. I was pleasantly surprised when this product actually did what it reported to do. I'm recommending this to my sister who has pain neck as well!"
- Nida P.

'I had a dreadful neck hump and purchased the Kenko Neck product and can already see a difference in my posture. I feel taller and notice my shoulders are further back''
- Samantha R.